Child Safety

Statement of Commitment to Child Safety

LSA is committed to the wellbeing and safety of children and young people that access our managed venues and programs across Australia. LSA has a zero tolerance on any form of child abuse and will act accordingly to maintain the safety of children and young people.

LSA is committed to the safety, participation and empowerment of all children. LSA treats all allegations and child safety concerns seriously, as outlined in our policies and procedures.

LSA is committed to preventing child abuse and identifying risks early. LSA has robust recruitment processes to reduce the risk of harm to children and young people from potential new staff members.

LSA is committed to regularly training and educating our staff and volunteers on child abuse risks.

LSA is committed to the cultural safety of Aboriginal children, the cultural safety of children from culturally linguistic diverse backgrounds, and to providing them with a safe environment.

Child Protection Policy – Child Friendly Version

Child Protection Policy

Child Safe Complaints Handling

LSA is committed to resolving and responding to all complaints from clients and the general public in a prompt, impartial and just manner. To access our complaints handling policy for general complaints please Click Here.

To access information about how LSA handles Child Safety Complaints, please refer to the ‘Complaints Handling’ section in LSA’s Child Protection Policy.

To make a complaint please click here. Please find our complaints form as a child friendly version available for Download Here.

Staff Code of Conduct

LSA ensures all aspects of our service, and our venues are always safe for all children. Our service has a moral and legal responsibility to ensure that the rights and best interests of the child are paramount.

LSA expects all Staff Members to be caring, compassionate adults who take an interest in the well-being of Children, and who set appropriate boundaries for worker-Child relations.

Staff Members must be aware that their interactions with Children are based on a trusting relationship arising from the nature of their role in the organisation, and that those relationships are open to scrutiny.

At all times, Staff Members must conduct themselves in a professional manner towards children, consistent with their appointed role.

A Staff Member must not act recklessly in this regard.

Talk to children in a professional and supportive manner Use abusive or offensive language
Treat children with respect Act in ways which may cause a Child to reasonably fear that unjustified force will be used against them, even if this is not their intention
Listen and respect what children have to say Single out a child in a humiliating manner
Ensure all children are being supervised by a parent/adult Be alone with a child in an unsupervised way
Perform checks of obstructed areas of the venue Take a child into areas that are not visible to other staff members
Ensure that any physical contact is appropriate to the situation Engage in physical contact without consent
Use gentle handling when making stroke corrections or manipulations within swimming lessons Perform acts that are of a personal nature with the child such as changing clothes and toileting
Keep hands visible above the water’s surface when providing support Touch the child or young person in areas of a sexual nature
Be cautious when using hands on correct whilst the child is still moving Allow a child to smack or hit another student
Obtain consent from parents/guardians before taking any photos or videos of children Engage in inappropriate physical contact/force with a Child including physical/corporal punishment of a child in the course of their role such as smacking or hitting a child as a form of discipline
Ensure adequate supervision of children in change rooms Share personal information or photos of children without obtaining consent
Knock or announce oneself before entering change rooms Use photographic or videos in change rooms
Ensure all activity and communication occurs within the scope of staff job role and responsibilities Be in one-on-one situations with children without supervision by another staff member or the child’s parent
Ensure all interactions with children and their families remain within context of the teacher and student relationship Buy gifts for children without authorisation from a manager and without the knowledge of parents/guardians
Respect children’s privacy when changing in a public area or change room Share personal information with children
Always act in ways that promote  the health, wellbeing and safety of children Use change rooms while a child is present. If unavoidable, staff member should use a private stall
Be ethical, fair and honest in all dealings with children Engage in any act that breaches the Child Protection Policy, including the Child Safe Code of Conduct
Be alert to risk indicators of child abuse and child grooming Engage in any behaviour that puts children at risk
Comply with LSA’s Child Protection Policy Permit bullying to take place between children
Behave in a manner which may cause psychological harm to a Child


Correct or discipline a Child in excess of what is reasonable or appropriate for the situation.